Multinational publishing and education company with more than 22,500 employees operating in 70 countries. Since 2020 Pearson relies on eduNEXT consulting services for: Platform operation
Multinational publishing and education company with more than 22,500 employees operating in 70 countries. Since 2020 Pearson relies on eduNEXT consulting services for: Platform operation
The world’s largest security-oriented intergovernmental organization with a presence in 57 states from Europe, Central Asia, and North America. In 2018 they implemented 2 different
A well planed large scale online learning platform for MOOCs in portuguese language. Designed and supported by edunext for more than one million leaners.
Romero Virtual Campus, an Online Academy developed in 2014 by the Romero Foundation in Peru, aiming to generate educational opportunities nationwide and strengthen entrepreneurship skills
BUAP or Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla is a high-quality Public University in Mexico serving more than 500.000 students. In 2020 launched a massive online